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<td height="58" colspan="2" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#02021E" id="logo"><span class="style11">Welcome to my Website! </span></td>
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<td height="56" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2" id="tagline" valign="top"><p align="left" class="style9">Welcome to my little spot</p>
<p align="left" class="style9">on the world wide web! </p></td>
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<td width="155" height="40"><a href="javascript:;" class="style12">about me </a></td>
<td width="155" height="40"><a href="javascript:;" class="style12">projects</a></td>
<td width="155" height="40"><a href="javascript:;" class="style12">games</a></td>
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<td width="355" height="41" class="pageName style1 style2">Who am I you may ask? </td>
<td class="bodyText"><p class="style3">Hello I am Funky, also known as Funky Studios (obviously) I make Videos, Art, and on rare moments, even Video Games! Have a look around and see what I'm up to! </p> </td>
<p> </p></td>
<td width="251" valign="top"><img src="mm_spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="10" border="0" /><img src="IMAGES/wilp.gif" width="185" height="235" alt="Wilbur" /><br />
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